Sunday, June 23, 2013

English And Português - TRANSMUTE KARMA ON THE 23rd

Mestre Ascencionado St. Germain prometeu que quem fizesse 3 horas de decretos com a chama violeta no dia 23 do mês, teriam o karma pessoal do mês todo transmutado. Quem fizesse por 8 horas teria o karma MUNDIAL transmutado inclusive cataclismos e guerras. São muitas horas, eu sei, mas o que conseguir fazer pela situação mundial e principalmente do Brasil hoje será MUITO bem vindo. Não precisa ser tudo de uma vez, pode ser alguns minutos aqui e ali. Todos os decretos estão na Biblioteca dos Anjos no site para imprimir. Não precisa fazer todos, escolha alguns que goste. O importante é invocar chama violeta por você e pelo planeta e principalmente este mês, Brasil está precisando MUITO! <3 


The Ascended Master St. Germain promised that whomever does 3 hours of violet flame decrees every 23rd day of the month will have the negative karma of the ENTIRE MONTH transmuted. Whomever decrees for the world for 8 hours in the 23rd would have negative karma of the ENTIRE PLANET transmuted, including cataclysms and even wars. I know that those are too many hours, but whatever you can do today is very welcome. Not only for your personal life but also for the planet, and specially this month, Brazil is needing this TOO MUCH! Nearly the entire population is rebelling against the government and corruption, against impunity of convicted politicians who are still in power . You don't need to do many hours straight, a few minutes here and there is very welcome. All decrees are in our website in the Angel Library. You don't need to do all of them, the important is to bring forth the violet flame of transmutation today. <3


  1. I have a question.

    In addition to transmuting the months karma with the violet flame if we do it for three hours.... would it transmute other karmas from lets say our past lives?

    And with that, how could we transmute past karma.... does a memory of our past have to come up? Or does the violet flame take care of it without our conscious awareness?

    I hope you can ask saint germain this. Thank you.

    1. It will transmute whatever karma is influencing you this month and several times it is originated in past lives. You will not necessarily remember what happened, only if it is necessary for the healing.

    2. Most of the time you will be given opportunities of balancing your karma (or learning the lesson) without pain or with Dharma, such as helping the person that you have hurt for example. It all depends of level of spiritual understanding the person is right now. Angel blessings!
