Thursday, November 15, 2012

Prayer to Dissolve Negative Karma


Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, thou God in us,
*Beloved Archangel Michael all the archangels and Legions of Light (3*x)
Come, come, come in your visible tangible, Ascended Master bodies
And strike, strike, strike your mighty cosmic swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in, through and around:

All human karma, specially disease, human selfishness and intrigue, political and religious deceit, and worldwide as well as personal unhappiness - with their causes and cores.

Beloved Mightly I Am Presence, thou God in us
*Ascended Master jesus Christ, Ascended Master Jesus Christ, Ascended Master Jesus Christ and the Seven Mightly Elohim (*3x)
Come, come, come in your visible tangible, Ascended Master bodies
And strike, strike, strike your mighty cosmic swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in, through and around:

All human karma, specially disease, human selfishness and intrigue, political and religious deceit, and worldwide as well as personal unhappiness - with their causes and cores.

Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all - cause, effect, record and memory - before it can act, approach or encroach upon life any longer.
Replace it all right now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly, ascended in the Light and free.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I demand and command the arresting of the spirals of negative karma throughout my entire consciousness, being anf world! - that every single cycle of every single cell and atom within my form that is not outpicturing the perfect cycles of the Christ consciousness be now dissolved, be now arrested and turned back by the authority of my God Presence! And in the name Jesus Christ, I demand and command that the cycles of immortal Life and my Divine Plan be fulfilled and that my ascension prevail!

Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.​​

©The Summit Lighthouse​​​

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