Hi Livia,
I received your reading. I read it, and I am impressed beyond my expectations. I did notice the claricognizance you mentioned, I love it when it happens. I read your site-almost all of it, and it is very good, full of good info, it put an additional light on my spiritual awareness. Before that, I didn't know/wasn't paying much attention to the angelical hierarchy -I didn't even know about angel readings. I heard about Saint Germain early this year, and recently started to read about him.
I have a question regarding Celia's message, did that appear spontaneously ?
Celia used to speak to me in portuñol (a mix of portuguese and español -spanish.) I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Celia used to travel back and forth between Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires staying for several months at a time on each city, she had two daughters in Sao Paulo and one in Buenos Aires). I can read portuguese and understand it mostly well, can't speak it very well, and can listen to it but had to adjust my ear a bit. I don't know why her message wasn't with words, but it is good and comforting.
Thank you, it was a very nice and thoughtful reading.
Ernesto - October 22nd 2010
Thank you Livia for sending me the Violet flame and Soulmate files. I did them last night as well as wrote a prayer to the archangels to manifest my soulmate. I can't wait how this journey is going to unravel and will definitely invite you to my wedding, hopefully in Hawaii :)
It was really nice to have found a wonderful angel 'reader', after my last reading with Anna, she was really off in many things, so it was time to find another one, I was happy I was guided to you and that the reading was right on 100%. looking forward to many more readings.
Many blessings,
Kelly 10/29/11
Dear Livia,
Just wanted to thank you so much for all your help.
Things started changing in positive ways as soon as I left your house. Scott and I are working much better at healing out relationship and although not all the loose ends are tied up like I want them to be, we have a better understanding of what we are an where we are going.
Again, thank you and I look forward to meeting with you again.
Annette - October 22nd, 2012

This is the official blog of www.mycrystalangel.com. Livia Maris Jepsen is Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue PhD, also trained by Joylina Goodings. Livia offers readings in Portuguese and English, in person, by email, skype, MSN, facetime, phone and in person. Access the website www.mycrystalangel.com to book a reading and energy treatments, to shop for beautiful and healing crystal jewelry, psychic arts and to find free articles at the Angel Library.
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