Monday, June 3, 2024

The New Twin Flames Prayer (Livia Jepsen)


Channeled by Livia Maris Jepsen Angel Therapy Practitioner®

In the name of the Christ
I call to the blessed I Am Presence of our twin flames
For the sealing of our hearts as one
For the victory of our mission to humanity

I call to the Elohim Orion and Angelica,
Master Rowena and Paul Veronese,
Archangels Chamuel and Charity, Magnus and Polaris and all the Light Beings and Angels of the pink flame of LOVE.

I ask that my twin-flame and I recognize each other instantly
through our eyes, our touch and our hands
with the certainty that we have found our Divine Complement - the other half of our soul.
I ask that from this moment on
we are both able to commit ourselves completely
to our love and our union,
in all directions of time, space and matter,
in all dimensions and for everyone to see.

I ask for the harmonious fusion of our bodies, minds, souls and spirits
to be instantaneous and complete.

From this moment forward, may we be able to express completely:
• our eternal and always growing love for each other
• our eternal and always growing respect for each other
• our eternal and always growing admiration for each other
• our eternal and always growing fidelity for each other
• our eternal and always growing loyalty for each other and for our common

I invoke the Light of the Holy Spirit to transmute:
all karma, all ego, all resentment and all diseases - physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual,
known or unknown,
in all lines of time and space, past present and future,
as well as their causes and consequences.

Dissolve all lower energies, ours and from other people,
that could limit the full expression of our Divine identity, our union and the fulfillment of our Divine Purpose.

I request that you transmute in the violet flame
all karma that could keep us apart from each other,
in all directions of time, space and matter,
all it’s causes, consequences, records and memories,
in the past, present and future.

I invoke the Presence of my Beloved Archangel Michael
and all your legions of Blue Angels
To cut all bad and all causes of discord and suffering
and to act on behalf our personal protection,
and for the protection of our love, union and purpose.

I ask you to raise us to the highest vibration of LOVE and Light
and to conduce us to our ascension in union still on Earth.

May the vibration of our love, union and common purpose
bring peace, healing and light to all people around us.

I know that we deserve this magical moment, Heavenly Father!
My twin flame and I thank you for your Infinite Love
and we ask for your Blessings upon our union and Purpose.

I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity God desires.
I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity God desires.
I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity God desires.

(Repeat the prayer above 3 times out loud until recognize the twin)

(From the Summit Lighthose®

And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x)
Right here and now with full power
Eternally sustained and all powerfully active
Ever expanding until all are holy, ascended in the Light and free
Beloved I Am, Beloved I Am, Beloved I Am.

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