When you loose weight for any reason, it is very common to see a loose skin in certain parts of your body, such as on your bad. Many times the so called "love-handle" may not be fat at all, but in fact, loose skin from the weight that you have lost.
Plastic surgery is an option, if you don't mind the price, down time and scaring. Or you may prefer a more natural approach. As I learned in my pos-graduation of Orthomolecular Medicine, proper nutrition can fix almost everything.
I have collected some information from several different places and gathered this information here for you. I don't claim to be the author of these articles below, their names are properly written below with the source of information.
I hope you enjoy the reading and have a beautiful and sexy summer with your tight skin :)
Lots of love,
Lots of love,
It hardly seems fair that two very rewarding experiences of weight loss and giving birth would generate an effect as unpleasant as loose skin. But, the cellular level does not function in terms of fairness. Instead, loose skin occurs when the elasticity of the cell wall is put to the test. Weight gain causes cells to rapidly multiply. Consequently, the skin layer stretches in order to accommodate this increase in fat or to accommodate a growing embryo.When you lose weight

Loose skin might occur as you get older or after significant weight loss. In many cases, only surgical
intervention can considerably tighten the skin, but you can alter your
diet to include foods that encourage the production of elastin and
collagen, the compounds your body makes that give your skin elasticity.
This might help tighten loose skin.

Citrus Fruit
Consuming citrus fruit positively impacts the elasticity of your skin
due to its vitamin C content. One large tangerine, for instance,
provides you with 32 mg of vitamin C, a significant portion of the 75 to
90 mg you require daily. Vitamin C triggers the production of collagen.
A tangerine also gives you small amounts of zinc and selenium,
nutrients that help improve elastin production.

Bell Peppers
peppers are an excellent source of the vitamin C you need for collagen
production, containing 119.8 mg per cup -- far more than the daily
recommended intake. This portion of peppers introduces 0.19 mg of zinc
into your diet as well; your meal plan should include 8 to 11 mg of this
mineral each day to boost the amount of elastin in your skin for
tightening loose skin.
Cruciferous Vegetables
cruciferous vegetables in your diet might help you firm up loose skin.
The cruciferous vegetable group includes brussels sprouts, cabbage,
Daikon radishes, rutabagas, broccoli and watercress. These vegetables
are generally a good source of vitamin C and contain other nutrients
needed for skin health as well. A cup of chopped broccoli, for instance,
contains 81.2 mg of vitamin C, 0.37 mg of zinc and 2.3 mcg of selenium,
all nutrients needed for elastin and collagen production.
pack a wallop of selenium and zinc, revving up your skin's elastin
content. Three ounces of oysters cooked with moist heat introduce 66.8
mg of zinc into your diet, far more than the suggested amount for daily
consumption. You also take in 33.6 mcg of selenium; your skin benefits
from 55 mcg of selenium daily. In addition to selenium's influence on
elastin production, it also helps preserve the look of your skin through

Fatty foods
- Though seemingly counter-intuitive, fats will be one of your biggest allies at the cellular level. Essential fatty acids, known as EFAs, help with cell growth and repair. Translation: Fatty acids provide a nice wake-up call to that cellular layer, instructing them to regenerate any damaged cells and ultimately, increase elasticity. Monounsaturated fats also provide a nice buffer between any environmental toxins, such as free radicals, and shield the cell wall.Beneficial fatty foods are from sources such as raw nuts, avocados, seeds and coconuts. The book, "Naturally Healthy Skin" explains how a deficiency of these fats slows healing of infections and skin problems.
Antioxidant-rich foods
- Antioxidants have received much hype in the nutrition
world and for good reason. Antioxidant-rich foods are like the palace guards at the United Kingdom---they let no intruder into the palace walls. Tightening loose skin is a cellular process that needs to be protected, too. A few free radicals from unhealthy, trans-fat laden foods can worsen loose skin, and antioxidants help the skin stay elastic by protecting the cell layer. Antioxidant-rich foods are blueberries, blackberries, pomegranates and any fruit with a rich dark color. The darker the color, the higher the antioxidant level is in the food. For a complete list of foods high in antioxidants, see Resources below.
- Though water is not technically a food, loose skin is improved by staying hydrated. Think of a wrinkly raisin: the reason for the wrinkly exterior is due to the absence of water from the fruit. Your skin operates in a similar manner. Keeping your body hydrated enables fluid to flow between cells, which allows your skin to stay flexible and elastic. The book, "Wrinkle Free Forever" outlines how drinking plenty of water allows your cells in the loose skin area to regenerate and stay elastic.
- Do not chug a gallon of water and eat nothing but fruit for a week and expect to see instant results. Gaining weight was a minimum nine-month process, so expect that same amount of time to see tangible consequences. On the bright side, a good diet has a number of other benefits, such as improved mood, weight loss, improved hair and nails, and other great side effects.
Read more: Foods That Tighten Loose Skin | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5477172_foods-tighten-loose-skin.html#ixzz2RP2A3w4p
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/503192-foods-that-tighten-loose-skin/#ixzz2RP59hkGe
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