Today is already Friday the 24th. In a few days my vacation is over and I am not sure that I already figured out what I was supposed to figure out. I still feel hurt and overwhelmed. Trying to have some time to myself but it hasn't been easy to disconnect. I care too much about these people.
Sometimes, I also have some thoughts of lack of hope for humanity. It hurts me. If I loose hope on them my life becomes non-sense because all I have been doing is to reestablishing hope and purpose in their lives. But when I pass on your messages they don't listen, they don't do them, they don't believe enough in themselves to move forward.
When the pressure comes, they don't understand that I am not a robot, that I need a break sometimes, that I have a personal life, then they get upset with me when I already gave a hand but didn't give the arm afterwards. That's not even fair with me. I already give out so much more than I could give, I am always stressed and overwhelmed and very seldom have time to relax anymore. This was not the point when you pushed me to this purpose, was it?
This morning I cried. I was thinking about going back to Brazil and to shut down my business and everything, maybe I am just not strong enough for all this pressure. But then I thought about all of these people that need my help and I just couldn't do it. Without helping people my life becomes non sense at all.
Angels, please help me to have the perfect strength to continue moving forward and to help them to continue moving forward also. We all need more confidence, self esteem, more HOPE. Please, help.

This is the official blog of Livia Maris Jepsen is Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue PhD, also trained by Joylina Goodings. Livia offers readings in Portuguese and English, in person, by email, skype, MSN, facetime, phone and in person. Access the website to book a reading and energy treatments, to shop for beautiful and healing crystal jewelry, psychic arts and to find free articles at the Angel Library.
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