Feel the Angels
as Livia Maris Jepsen, Angel Therapy Practitioner® delivers their
loving messages and Angel Therapy® for better health, spiritual
abundance, love, career and gives support for indigo, crystal and
rainbow children. Livia gives angel readings and answers questions
posted to My Crystal Angel page on Facebook during the show. Connect
with her LIVE during the show through Facebook:
This show is performed in Portuguese and English.
Medium from birth and degreed in veterinary medicine and orthomolecular
nutrition, Livia has been channeling messages from the Angels and
Ascended Masters since childhood. Some of her angel stories have been
published by Doreen Virtue PhD.
About Livia
into a family of Psychics, I have been receiving messages from the
Angels since childhood. I have learned to read tarot cards with both of
my grandmothers as a young child.
Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue PHD., I felt guided to help people in talking to their Angels.
my Angel Therapy® Readings, I use Angels Oracle cards and the power of
my clairvoyance. I am also a Past Life Regression Therapist certified in
Brazil, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher certified in Brazil and United
States, Violet Flame Reiki Master, Dolphin Reiki Master, Celtic Reiki
Master and Isis Seichim Reiki Practitioner (my favorite for animal
Before engaging in the methaphysical practice, I graduated
in Veterinary Medicine, obtaining a post-graduation degree in
Orthomolecular Medicine in Brazil.
Specialist in the New
Children Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow, I have been searched for by the
parents of these children for guidance in the USA and in Brazil. I live
in Reno, Nevada, USA for 9 years, where I give readings in person. I
also perform live readings to other states and countries through Skype
and MSN, and also offer email readings. My readings may be performed in
English or Portuguese.
At the Angel Library section, you may read
some of my articles about Angels. Some of my personal Angel stories
have been published in Doreen Virtue's book Angel Words. I also have my
own column in a very popular Brazilian website, www.multiplos.com.br ,
where I talk about Angels and the New Psychic Children. I plan on
translating the articles to English and posting them at the Angel
For those interested in joining us at the Divine
Prosperity Plan, check our blog http://plenty2all.blogspot.com It's free
and fun to manifest miracles in your life!
The First Show - January 29th 2012:
have an appointment with the Angels. At My Crystal Angel show, the
Angel Therapist® Livia Jepsen will present a fun and light hearted hour
with the company of the Angels and a very special guest, Lori Draper.
Lori has been a counselor for 19 years and holds a master's degree in
Educational Psychology and Counseling. Lori is also a psychic and
crystal jewelry designer. They will be discussing the healing power of
the crystals, answering questions and performing angel healing to all
the listeners. The first half of this show will be performed in
Portuguese, the second half in English. Post your questions to My
Crystal Angel page on Facebook during the show. Or call in 617-237-1234
or 866-338-9663
To connect with them LIVE through Facebook and ask them questions, use the link below:
To visit Lori's page, click here
has been a counselor for 19 years and holds a master’s degree in
Educational Psychology and Counseling. She loves working with children
and helping families.
Lori is also a psychic and medium.
Expert in crystal healing, Lori has designed most of the healing jewelry
in this website. Her hobby is designing unique one of a kind jewelry
items. She uses a variety of crystals and stones to create pieces that
support the healing process, both physical and emotional.
is a School Counselor and Angel Reader. Also specialized in mediumship
and the new children's counseling. Great healer, certified by Magnified
Healing® method.
To book any of Lori's in person services, please contact her at lori@mycrystalangel.com
Or click at the link below:
7 Radio Live broadcasts at 1510am Revolution Boston can be heard
locally in 5 states in New England just by turning the dial on your
radio. For Internet listening go to
http://www.dreamvisions7radio.com/hosts.htm and click the box Dreamvisions 7 Radio at Revolution Boston
to our transcending shows 24hrs MONDAY- FRIDAY and Divine Music
Weekends on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Station. Check our schedule/calendar
for your favorite Hosts. For Internet listening go to
http://www.dreamvisions7radio.com and click the box LISTEN LIVE AUDIO

This is the official blog of www.mycrystalangel.com. Livia Maris Jepsen is Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue PhD, also trained by Joylina Goodings. Livia offers readings in Portuguese and English, in person, by email, skype, MSN, facetime, phone and in person. Access the website www.mycrystalangel.com to book a reading and energy treatments, to shop for beautiful and healing crystal jewelry, psychic arts and to find free articles at the Angel Library.
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